Girl, Get Ready! Your Future Husband is Coming! eBook
‘Girl, Get Ready! Your Future Husband is Coming’ helps you look at the good, the bad, and the ugly you. The attitudinal, spoiled you while helping you to do the heart and head work needed to get ready for your future husband.
And girl, I get it. You don't need a man. And you know what? You're probably right. But you do need God and if He wants you to have the Godkind of love He created you to have, then as a child of the Most HIgh God, put your crown down queen, and let this book teach you how to be the princess daughter of the King of Kings you were created to be. Because girl...I think you may have picked up your crown prematurely.
This ebook is the first installment of a three part series so be sure to also get your copies of: 'Close Your Legs: A How To Guide on How To Wait', Girl, Get Your Mind Right and the companion prayer guide, '119 Bite-Sized Prayers for Future Wives'.