Girl, Get Your Mind Right! eBook
In the movie, ‘How to be Single®’, actress Rebel Wilson walks into a New York night club with a friend and announces, "Let me teach you how to be single." She then directs her student to get a few drinks. Like any good student, actress Dakota Johnson, eagerly pulls out a fancy wallet as she dashes towards the bar. Unbeknownst, she’d just failed her first test because single women don't buy drinks...they pay for them with their other...pocketbooks.
Yep, that's how you play the game of sex and as with any game, the game of sex comes with alot of rules and how-to’s. There are alot of books that'll teach you the right questions to ask, how to how to dress, what to say, and even tell you when its appropriate to open your...pocketbook. And don't get me wrong, learn girl learn. But you’re a triune being: meaning, you are a spirit. You have a soul. And you live in a body. You out here looking for your soulmate but you're being taught mind games.
This book is part two of a three-part series which teaches single women of faith how to be single soulically and spiritually. So girl, put this book in your cart so that you can get your mind and spirit ready for the Godkind of love God created you to have.
Girl, Get Ready! Your Future Husband is Coming (part I)
Close Your Legs: A How To Guide on How To Wait (part III)
119 Bite-Sized Prayers for Future Wives (companion prayer guide)