Hard Conversations
The Elephant in the Room:
About Faith and Race
"A must-read racial memoir of how one woman of color questioned her faith in light of race."
As a Christian woman of color, when I see the founding fathers: I see pain. While most see seven upstanding white men who, ‘united the thirteen colonies, led the war of independence from Great Britain, and built the framework’ on which our government stands, I see hypocrisy. Because if these men did the aforementioned based on biblical principles, you would have to assume they themselves would be champions of morality. Meaning both their political and private lives would mirror moral excellence. Yet it does not. In fact, in certain instances, it's the polar opposite.
Yet far too often, the pulpit is silent when it comes to the racial morality.
Time and time I would see men and women of God be silent in the face of police violence and issues that matter most to people of color. Their silence led me to question my own faith.
That question led me to search out the scriptures in search of the elephant sitting on a pew in a church nearest you. And not only address him, but mentally and spiritually loose him and let him go, only because that elephant has roamed the very corridors of the White House, Pentagon, led to an insurrection on our nation's Capitol, and sits prominently on supreme courts all across this country. He was even the architect behind our Criminal Justice System and has also been used to justify the immigration crisis we see today.
So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s look this elephant right in the eye and ask several the hard questions.
Did God sanction slavery?
What about the indigenous and immigrants?
Does God support racism and white supremacy?
As a white person, what am I to do?
This is not a hard-hitting expose' neither is it an exhaustive work. It's a quick read about a complicated subject that will at least get the conversation started. Get your copy...
Did God Sanction Slavery
The Indigenous
White Supremacy