ISSUE: ‘You did it, now ask for mercy!’
Luke 17:11-19, “Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us! So when He saw them, He said to them, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.
Those ten leprous men were shouting to the Lord as He passed by. Is your circumstance shouting to others? Is your husband’s girlfriend to the point where she’s brazenly calling your home? Or have you gained so much weight that those extra pounds can no longer be spanked? Maybe you’re in so much pain that your attitude is bad? Whatever your situation, like the lepers, lift up your voice and ask the Lord for mercy!
Why mercy? Because it was your poor decision making skills and lack of self-control that got you in that situation in the first place. You knew what you were doing. You deliberately went against what you knew to do. You knew that man wasn’t right when you met him; but the sex was good and you married him anyway. Ask for mercy! You knew you shouldn’t have went off and quit that job, but you excused it to ‘them not liking you.’ Ask for mercy! You know French fries can’t be considered a vegetable, but you supersize every time. Ask for mercy!
Now is not the time for you to ask the Lord to fix that man, supernaturally cancel your debt, or stop the devil from working in your life. Nope; the problem is YOU! You need to ask the Lord for mercy. By doing this, you’re admitting that it’s your fault. If you don’t admit it then you could be self-deceived and will continue to believe that other people are the problem and that it’s not you—you’re the victim. Self-deception is the worst type of deception. This type causes you to believe that if you get a little freakier in bed, then he’ll change. Self-deception tells you that you’re justified when you act ugly or spend your bill money on cush or gear. Self-deceived people are usually the most overweight people because though we – yeah I said we- though we are sixty pounds overweight, we still think we fine. (Excuse my English!)
Asking for mercy allows you to acknowledge your part in your problem. Notice that after the lepers asked for mercy, the Lord told them exactly what to do to change their situations. Lift up your voice and admit you’re the problem and see what the Lord’s mercy will do for you!
Repent, repent, repent! Ask for mercy! Go before God and acknowledge those behaviors. Admit to Him daily where you went wrong. Don’t make it an event or wait to your designated prayer time. If you do something, ask for mercy and repent silently - then and there. Don’t wait!
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