Crime, Criminals and Redemption
For those deemed unsalvageable, unredeemable, and unworthy of forgiveness.
About the Book
Crime, Criminals, and Redemption is an inmate’s guide to redemption, as it displays the corrective and rehabilitative heart of God. It gives God’s free and incarcerated children a glimpse at what God can do for those we deem unsalvageable, unredeemable, and unworthy of forgiveness. To give you an example, in Matthew 27:15-26, Barabbas was indicted for murder. Yet in Matthew 27:21, the jurors voted to let him go. There are other instances, such as Moses’ manslaughter in Exodus 2:11-15, Peter’s assault with a deadly weapon in Acts 9, and let’s not forget the prostitute that wasn’t charged with child endangerment in 1 Kings 3, to name a few.
Book Objective
The objective of the book is to help inmates take responsibility for their actions while simultaneously doing the head and heart work needed to receive redemption, and quite possibly, release.

If you're currently incarcerated or a return citizen, this book will help you...
+ Know that the Bible does speak about criminals and criminal activity
+ Find out specifically what the Bible says about your offense and actions
+ Understand the biblical consequences of your offense, and...
+ Walk away knowing that you are redeemable.

What's Included
Each chapter has a scripture reference, teaching, and redemptive prayer. It also has a section devoted exclusively to confession which gives inmates an opportunity to align their words with God’s and not with the system.
Daily Confessions
Life Experience/Hood Skill Translator
Resume' Builder
Vision Board
Vision Builder
Crimes Discussed
Wrongful Convictions
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Attempted Murder
Child Endangerment
Sexual Assault
Hate Crimes
First/Second/Third Degree Robbery
Fraud & Extortion (White Collar Crimes)
Other Topics
Possession of an Illegal Firearm & Assault Weapon
Court Ordered Restitution
Death Row Inmates
Repeat Offenders
Jury Deliberations & Closing Arguments
Mitigating Circumstances
Time Served by way of Atonement
Rehabilitative Measures
Pardons and Paroles
Community Supervision Programs
Sanctuary Cities
May I hook my faith with yours? Submit your prayer request >
The New ‘It’: 11 Whole Weeks of Nothing But ‘It’
Today, there’s almost always something new. The new ‘it’ product, ‘it’ device, ‘it’ style, ‘it’ trend, ‘it’ person or ‘it’ challenge. which means ‘it’ often denotes the latest ‘thing’ everybody’s talking about. Yet most tech geniuses, news outlets, top designers, bloggers and/or influencers know hardly anything about ‘it’ so rarely is ‘it’ discussed. So, if they aren’t talking about ‘it’, who is? Prayerfully, you! And after 11 whole weeks of nothing but repentance, your life will never be the same.
Ways You Can Support
If you have a loved one that's incarcerated, purchase a copy of 'Crime, Criminals & Redemption: A Companion Confessional for Loved Ones'.
If you're a judge, lawyer, civil rights activist or work in law enforcement, you can endorse the book.
If your ministry is going into a compound, you can invite me to speak.
If your nonprofit has a prison outreach, you can print copies of ‘Crime, Criminals, and Redemption: What the Bible Says About Certain Crimes and Those Who Commit Them', and distribute the printed copies/link to eBook with your care packages.
If you have a podcast, you can invite me to your guest so that we can discuss a few crimes with your audience.
If you just have a heart for the incarcerated, you can give him/her the eBook link.
If you’re unable to do any of the above, share this page with your tribe and subscribe to my blog, and more importantly...
Pray a simple priceless prayer for the incarcerated. Feel free to join me every Saturday night at 9pm CST to Pray for Prisoners.