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If you've landed on this page, it’s safe to assume that your precious little darling is either ill, having a procedure, needs surgery, is in the hospital, or has been diagnosed with cancer or some other life-threatening disease. Instead of flipping through magazines, scrolling mindlessly on your device, answering the questions of well-meaning loved ones, or talking to strangers about your child’s current state, you can be assured that you made the right decision to purchase our resources. That's because it’s probably best for you to redirect your care, worry, and attention on the Lord and view your baby’s diagnosis in light of what God’s Word says. Our books help you do just that. So while you’re waiting in a waiting room, near your child’s hospital bed or in the comfort of your own home, now is the time to immerse yourself, your child and the entire atmosphere on NOTHING BUT FAITH, and here's a few eBooks and eConfessionals to help you get started.   


God, Please Heal My Baby!
Waiting Room
Reading for Parents Needing Impossible Faith

God Please Heal My Baby! Waiting Room Reading for Parents Needing Impossible Faith is an injection of encouragement for parents of sick children. It provides biblical and real-word examples of how God miraculously and/or progressively heals children.

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Image by Junior REIS

God, Please Heal My Baby!
Waiting Room
Confessions for Parents Needing Impossible Faith

God Please Heal My Baby! Waiting Room Confessions for Parents Needing Impossible Faith are quick, actionable bite sized confessional doses for you to speak over your child. It has the same confessions as God Please Heal My Baby! Waiting Room Reading for Parents Needing Impossible Faith...but without the reading, per se.

"We would be absolutely thrilled to come into agreement and pray for that little darling of yours. For prayer..."

Cross Eyed: One Little Girl's Faith-Filled Story of Beating Cancer and Bullies

Cross Eyed: One Little Girl's Faith-Filled Story of Beating Cancer and Bullies is the story of a 6-year-old’s battle with stage IV retinoblastoma. This children’s book empowers young readers, diagnosed with cancer and other rare diseases, to use their childlike faith to fight and beat the disease, deal with bullies, and see themselves as healed, healthy adults.

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About Child Cancer Survivors

As a stage III Retinablastoma child cancer survivor, I know the importance of faith when it comes to seemingly incurable diseases. My cancer was discovered in the latter part of the third stage, and had it not been for the mustard seed faith of my paternal grandmother, I would not have sight in my left eye, a prosthesis in my right, and the life I so enjoy today. But all things considered, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if my grandmother, and other relatives, had books like these. If they had a book that walked them right into the arms of Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals), like the ones I’ve written. I can’t help but wonder if I would have lost my right eye to cancer.

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My beautiful grandmother

Unfortunately, we’ll never know but you can be assured that whatever sickness or disease your child (or loved one) is facing, that if you’ll read our materials and add them to your mustard seed faith, you’ll see God honor the little faith you have, and you too will see small, incremental changes in your child’s health. I lost my right eye to cancer, but it was out of that loss that I am now able to prayerfully help your precious little darling live the life God predestined him or her to live. 

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