Two years ago today – July 4th, Independence Day, I was homeless. Ordinarily, that would sound unusual; but for me, it’s been the norm. I’m 44 and I’ve moved over 50 times; with family, friends, friends of family, in my car, in someone’s office, dining room, and in a homeless shelter. I’m a mover. Therefore, stability is something I know nothing about. I make no excuses. Much of my instability is because of my disobedience. I take full responsibility. But because of my failures, I understand the plight of homelessness better than most.
While staying at the Salvation Army, I heard some awful tales. As we all lay on our bed bug ridden mats, I heard women their share stories of what lead and ultimately, what would keep them there. I’ll explain the latter later. One lady, Ms. Julia, told of how she’d lost everything and that all of her belongings were in the storage. She went on to tell of how she had to voluntarily surrender her car; which was quite inconvenient because she was on a breathing machine and walked with a cane. Not only that, but her husband was on the other side with the men.
As I lay there on the floor, I silently prayed as my heart ached for her. One, because of her situation and two, because she was married. I couldn’t imagine having to go this ordeal WITH A MAN. Though I was quite judgmental at the time, looking back, I can only imagine how that must have affected him. A man that’s unable to provide for his family is a man that’s not actually being a man. He was created to take care of his family; so not being able to do so, had to effect his manhood and their marriage. This couple was in their fifties and here they are homeless. As I looked at their life, I had to look at my own. How had we all ended up here? One word. Disobedience.
Homelessness is always and forever will be the result of disobedience; not doing what God led us to do to avoid getting in that situation. And disobedience is always the result of pride; not humbling ourselves to the point of doing what God told us to do. If you ever see a homeless person, know immediately they’re not in that position because of drug use or laziness; the underlying issue is disobedience and pride. They proudly chose to not obey God; pure and simple. This is a reality I had to see about myself. Why had I moved over 50 times; 44 of which were in my adult life and not the fault of my parents? Because there was something God specifically told me to do that I flat out refused to do.
So what does this have to do with you? There’s something God’s asked you to do. Something that you flat out do not want to do; so much so, that you’ve already come to terms with the collateral damage your refusal may cause. You’ve already decided you can deal with the consequences. But let me warn you, it’s going to be much worse that you can envision now. There are underlying details you don’t see that will impact you and your loved ones severely in the future. 1 Peter 5:5 says, ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” If you move ahead with your plans, there will be no grace because you proceeded in pride and ‘pride [always] goes before destruction.’ (Pro 16:18) In order for you to make it past what you’re in now, you’re going to have to humble yourself; which means doing what you don’t want to do. Hear me today - do whatever it is you know the Lord is leading you to do and know that when you do, He will give you the grace you need to make it through.
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, I know exactly what it is You want me to do, but Lord, I don’t want to do it. But because I know You are faithful and sent this post to warn me, I’m going to reconsider. Lord, I ask You for grace to do what I don’t want to do. I know You understand how my decision will impact me in the future and I trust your foresight. And Lord, please forgive me for not immediately doing what You lead me to. In Jesus’ name.
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