(L) Ms. Detra (R) My mom
My mother texted me Saturday and told me that her 72-year-old best friend, Ms. Detra (pictured left), was in a coma and would be taken off life support today. Ms. Detra is VERY special to me because she’s the one who introduced my mother to now deceased father. Though I prayed for her over the weekend, during my morning devotional the Holy Spirit revealed something about spiritual law that I had not seen.
Ms. Detra has a DNR, a do not resuscitate order in place. Though it deals with the legal, physical care of an individual, it also teeters into the spiritual and here's why.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. - Proverbs 18:21
That DNR is a legal directive that stipulates when an individual is incapacitated, he or she has made the decision not to be resuscitated. Meaning, do not do anything to ensure they live. People usually make that decision because of the quality of life they believe they'll have afterwards. Of which is a major indicator of their faith in God, seeing as how they don't believe He would bring them out of incapacitation or bring them through rehabilitation. Typically, such orders go into effect within a few weeks which is devastating because it doesn't give the individual the opportunity to rest and/or to heal. Thereafter, they're given the opportunity to sustain themselves, which again is indicative of that person's faith because instead of preparing their spirit to fight, they've given the legal directive to stop the clock.
I mention this because there are many of you who have such orders in place, of which you may want to reconsider. I mention this again because if you aren't sure that you have done all God created you to do, then you may want to check with Him to see what HE wants you to do, should something like that occur because again, a DNR is a spiritual order. Though legal, it is a spiritual directive that controls what happens in the spirit. If God needs Ms. Detra to rest, in order to give Him some time to heal, that order supersedes His ability to do so and thus, would require God to work within the time frame given before the DNR goes into effect. Meaning, her loved ones know today is the day. Those of us who have been praying for God to bring her through are at the mercy of the physician who has already scheduled a time for the support to cease. Which to most will mean that if our faith doesn’t work before then, meaning if Ms. Detra doesn’t show some sign of life, then it will appear as if our faith didn’t work or that it was God's will for her to die. Both of which are not true.
If Ms. Detra doesn’t show some form of life, then it will appear as if our faith didn’t work or that it was Your will for her to die. Both of which are not true.
Why is it not true? Because Ms. Detra inadvertently ACTIVATED spiritual laws when she requested a DO NOT RESUSCITATE of which cannot be reversed or overridden, simply because it would require her permission...or the permission of the party she has deemed responsible for her care. That party now has both legal and spiritual jurisdiction over her life. If they decide to abide by her wishes, today could be Ms. Detra's last day on the planet.
Does that mean that once she comes off support that while she is in that state God won't give her an opportunity to decide? That I don't know but what I do know is that He wants you to talk to Him before you put such an order in place. He wants you to give Him an opportunity to let you know if you've done all He created you to do. If you haven't, then start now preparing your spirit to fight. Not saying that you'll ever be in such a position but if you have the wherewithal now to have such an order in place, then use that same wherewithal to command your spirit to fight should something like that occur. And so that it doesn't...
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, I have not taken the time to seek You about where I am in life and if I've done all You created me to do. If I have not, then Lord please keep me here until it is done. I am believing You to protect me. But should the enemy get in, I command my spirit to fight and I am believing You for a full recovery. And Lord I pray for Ms. Detra and that You would do all You can...legally and spiritually. In Jesus' name.