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Nonworking Coworkers

Writer's picture: Staci SweetStaci Sweet

My son often complains about feeling overworked. He’s mentioned numerous times of how his call volume often triples that of his coworkers. On the outside, it would appear that he was simply complaining about being overworked, which is understandable. But now I see that’s not the issue because he has an exemplary office work ethic. He doesn’t mind working. The real issue is that while he does, his coworkers aren’t. And isn’t that an issue we all face? Feeling overworked, underappreciated, and under paid? We can all identify with that. But for a moment, let’s carefully examine our coworkers for a moment.

Why Are You Worried?

In John 21, we find Peter faced with the same issue. In verses 15-17, we find Peter going through orientation as Jesus gives Peter his new job description which includes, feeding and tending to His lambs and sheep. After Jesus gives him his assignment, Peter asks the Lord, “…what about this man?” The man in question is John; the disciple commonly referred to as ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved.’ The one who ‘…leaned on [Jesus’] breast at the supper.’ You know the one who was close to Jesus. Kinda like those team members who are constantly in and out of your Managers office. Those who seemingly do no work but are unusually close to leadership. Yeah, those coworkers. Peter asks the Lord, what will they have to do. To which the Lord responds, “…If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to You? You follow me.’ Remain is an interesting word. In the KJV, it means ‘tarry’ which also means ‘to stay in a given place or state.’ Therefore, what the Lord was telling Peter is that if HE, as the leader/manager, assigned John to stay on His breast or in a state of relaxation and comfort, what is that to him? In other words, Jesus is saying, “I hired you to ‘…feed My lambs…tend [to]…and feed My sheep. Do what I hired you to do; even if it is three times more than everyone else.” And this has to be our posture as well. We have to learn to do our jobs, even when it’s more than everybody else’s and especially when everybody else ain’t doin’ theirs. (Excuse my English)

Do Your Job

Another important thing we need to take to heart is that after Jesus told Peter not to worry about his nonworking coworkers, He told him to ‘follow me.’ If you’re following someone, that means they’re ahead of you which means you shouldn’t be looking to the left, right, or at the cubicle behind you. In other words, do your job. Do what you were hired to do. Therefore, during those times when you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and undervalued because everyone else seems to be getting away with mediocrity, while you continue to operate in excellence, keep your mind and thoughts on your job, your bills, your dreams, hopes and aspirations of what you’re going to do with the money you make as a result of the work you do. Because as long as you’re following Jesus, He’ll make sure you have enough strength, wisdom, and joy to get you through the day.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to (or for) men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23, 24

Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, please help me to keep my mind, eyes, and mouth off my coworkers. I work hard Lord, and to see them get rewarded for doing nothing frustrates me to no end. But Lord, I remember when I prayed and asked You for this job. I remember the life I led when I had no money so Lord, I thank You for this position and the life it affords me. Please forgive me for what I said about my coworkers and managers. And Lord, will You remind me to be thankful for this position and will You also teach me how to keep my mind on You and the job You blessed me with. In Jesus’ name.

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