During Sunday morning service, Bishop Jakes was simply doing the announcements, but I heard something that I know someone needs to hear. While he was explaining why the church will no longer have full capacity services, due to the spike in COVID-19 cases, he used Luke 4:9-13 as an example for his reason.
His point was that Satan tried to tempt the Lord to take unnecessary risks in order to try to get Him to prove who He was. I know we tend to see this as just a temptation, but we need to also remember that Jesus was a Man. Therefore, Satan was not only tempting Jesus to prove His identity, but he was also testing the Lord’s manhood. But that’s not what this Real Issue is about.
The Real Issue is that when Bishop used those verses to explain his reasoning for limiting the church’s capacity, I saw something about suicide that could possibly benefit you this year. Because 2021 was so cutthroat, I want to be sure you’re fully protected in 2022. Luke 4:9-13 reads,
Then [Satan] brought [Jesus] to Jerusalem, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here. For it is written: ‘He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you,’ and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ ” And Jesus answered and said to him, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ” Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.
Notice that Satan put a suicidal thought into the mind of the Lord, and not only that, he did it to His face. The thing I need you to see is that he didn’t put that suicidal thought into His head through a breakup, a job loss, or some dire situation. Again, he did it to His face by questioning His identity. Now if Satan will put a suicidal thought into the mind of Jesus Himself, who is also, “…the way, the truth, and THE LIFE”, then know there may come a time, this year, when he tries the same thing to you.
The other thing about this temptation, is that this was the last temptation. Meaning, Satan had used all his other tricks. But he brought out his best – the one that usually always works on everybody; the suicidal one. And I know you’re too strong to have suicidal thoughts, but Satan is slick, and he knows you won’t kill yourself, so he won’t try to tempt you to commit suicide, in the literal sense. What he will do, is cleverly disguise suicide as self-sabotage or you talking yourself out of a God-given opportunity. Thankfully, the Word (Jesus Christ) knew the Word, so that He wasn't.
‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…
and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…’ – John 1:1,14
Because the Lord knew the Word for Himself, or as Dr. Jack Hayford says, because Jesus had a, ‘…knowledge of the Word, [that Word was] a powerful weapon against the attack of the adversary’. And this is what you need to see in 2022.
The Word isn't just a weapon, it can also save your life.
Look what it did for Jesus! Because the Lord knew what the Word said for Himself, He knew not to allow Satan to talk Him into taking His own life.
Now you can understand the importance and relevancy of the Word for your life for 2022.
It has the inherent ability to save your life, just by speaking it out of your mouth.
Your assignment for 2022, to ensure that it does, is to read ONE chapter out of the Bible at least 5 times a week. Just one chapter. In case you don’t know where to start, start with Matthew because you need to be introduced to the Word before you read any other word. So again, start with Matthew and go from there.
Make 2022 the year you get to know the Word for yourself so that when anything and anybody contrary to the Word brings a suicidal, self-sabotaging thought, you’ll know how to fight.
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, I read the Word, but I don’t read it like that. I don’t really have the time and if I’m truthful, I really haven't been interested. But I do see the importance, so I ask that You create in me a desire for Your Word. I thank You for it. In Jesus’ name.
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