About two years ago, I started following @hoodestates – ‘a brand that provides motivation, tips and enlightenment on how to invest back into [Black] communities.’1 While following, I came across @wall_street_trapper – ‘a brand dedicated to educating the culture how to hold wealth through investing in the stock market.’2 The two, along with a few other of their colleagues, were on a work retreat. While watching a the livestream of their retreat, I noticed @wall_street_trapper’s adorable daughter and immediately this little girl changed my life.
“Be sure to follow @wall_street_trapper and @hoodestates on the Gram.”
Because they were on a work retreat, each brought their children and you could tell that one of the businessman and @wall_street_trapper’s daughter, had never met. But that didn't stop @wall_street_trapper’s daughter. That baby immediately approached the other little girl as if to welcome her. The other little girl looked but quickly turned away, clinging to her father. Again, @wall_street_trapper’s daughter didn't let that stop her. Instead she reached out a second time, only this time the other little girl was more receptive, but she still didn’t leave her father's side. @wall_street_trapper’s daughter stood there for a moment and sweetly walked away. As if to say, ‘I know you just got here but I’ll be over here when you get ready.’ In that moment the Lord revealed that’s how I needed to be. Reserved but receptive.
Though I’m an adult, I’m still a child of the Most High God which means I too can let go of my Heavenly Father and be more receptive to those trying to reach out to me. @wall_street_trapper’s daughter didn’t get upset or become discouraged when the other little girl didn't immediately respond. She simply stood there and extended another hearty welcome because at the end of the day, she just wanted to play. No cares. No hang ups. No reservations. Just play. Even though the other little girl was a bit preoccupied with her father, she had the comfort in knowing that @wall_street_trapper’s daughter would be there waiting with open arms. As an adult, I wouldn’t be. But that is the lesson. I should. As soon as I realized that, I thanked God for revealing quirks in my personality that only @wall_street_trapper’s daughter could reveal. I knew then that that baby was very special and fast forward two years later and I see why.
Today I read a newsletter from @wall_street_trapper which got me to thinking. He said,
“I knew building wealth and buying back my time was the only way I’d get to be with my daughter the way I wanted.”
I’d never heard anyone say that before. If I had, I actually heard it this morning. BUY BACK MY TIME. That statement led me to repent. Why? Because I knew in order for me to be able to, I had to first repent for having wasted so much time, then repent for allowing others to waste mine, and I encourage you to do the same but that's not the REAL ISSUE of the day.
The REAL ISSUE is that I always knew there was something extraordinarily special about @wall_street_trapper. Not just the fact that he’s vitally important to our culture, but also because God used his daughter to teach me a life lesson. The irony is that he’s Muslim. And if you know me, then you know that God has given me a heart for the Muslim world and the fact that He keeps using them – (see my post ‘What I Learned About Repentance from a Major Iranian General’ and ‘Jonah, Repentance, and Radical Islamists’) - to teach me repentance is something I’m still trying to understand. But had I continued to be reserved, like that little girl, I would have missed a major character flaw that God could only reveal through a Muslim and his adorable little girl. Don't miss the lessons God's trying to teach you through children. He'll even use Muslim babies to do it.
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If you haven’t, I encourage you to follow @hoodestates and @wall_street_trapper.
SOURCES - as cited from their Facebook pages