A few weeks ago, I watched an online service in which the man of God, Dave Vaughan, Assistant Pastor of Faith Life Church, gave the greatest example of Christianity that I think I have ever heard. He said that God gives us grace and we put it in our pockets. He said it’s like we carry it around, like a membership, and remind ourselves every now and then that we have it, yet we do nothing with it. That was life-changing!
When I heard that I was tickled. It was like my flesh was like, “Yeah, that’s crazy! Why do people do that?” And then God showed me my own grace illustration.
He reminded me of my finances. Yet He’s told me over and over that He’s given me the power to get wealth.
“And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.’ – Dt. 8:18
And though I’ve heard several teachings and believe that He has, I too walk around and do nothing with that promise. It’s like, I got it on me, and I know it’s there, but I don’t use it. It’s like I see something I need or see someone I want to give to, and I reach for my wallet, and I see my grace card is in there, but I walk by and do nothing because I think I don’t have any money on my card. When I saw that I got tickled because his illustration and my wealth illustration pretty much sums up Christianity and why we don’t have.
We know God GAVE us things like healing, peace, and the power to get wealth, but we wear His grace like a badge or carry it like a debit card, only we never partake of its benefits. Again, we KNOW and BELIEVE that God’s given them to us, yet we do nothing with it.
I don’t know about you but I’m going to start whooping out my power-to-get-wealth card out and start taking some things by faith. No, I’m not going to get in debt but if God said that I can have it, then it’s mine and I’ll take it by faith until the wealth manifests in my life. Won’t you join me?
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for carrying Your benefits around with me while not using them. I’m learning how to use my faith so Heavenly Father, I take my _____________(insert whatever or whomever you’re believing for) by faith and I won’t stop believing or try to figure out why it hasn’t come to pass because I know it will. No matter how long it takes. In Jesus’ name.
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