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The Wait Talk (Girl Dad Edition)
  • The Wait Talk (Girl Dad Edition)

    The Wait Talk (Girl Dad Edition): How To Have That Ever So Awkward Conversation About You Know What is a bold and edgy masterful guide that teaches girl dad's how to have that inconvenient and awkward conversation about sex.


    The companion guide, 'Girl, You’re Not Ready! A No-nonsense Guide to Guys and the Game' is a hard-hitting, no-nonsense faith-based guide that teaches teens (ages 13 – 18) how to effectively manage their sexual curiosities, stay sexually pure and avoid defeat in the game of sex. The guide also comes with a working journal, 'Girl, You’re Not Ready! A No-Nonsense Working Journal to Guys and the Game' is a working journal that gets to the heart of what teens think about sex.


    Also available:
    1. The Wait Talk (For Moms): How To Have That Ever So Awkward Conversation About You Know What 
    2. Girl, You’re Not Ready! A No-Nonsense Guide to Guys and the Game
    3. Girl, You’re Not Ready! A No-Nonsense Working Journal to Guys and the Game
    4. Wait Coaching™ Challenge Guide
    5. Wait Agreement™ Package

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