While scrolling through the Gram, I came across a post that read Dr. Morris Cerullo had passed. Back when I first gave my life to Christ, I used to watch him daily. After reading an article about him, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that he’d built a Bible-themed attraction in San Diego1 before his death. Yes, that’s right! A Bible-themed attraction. But it gets better.
Dr. Cerullo was 88 when he died. A-Tee-8! That means an 88-year-old elder, in the body of Christ, built a Bible-themed resort before he went to go be with the Lord. No, I don’t think you’ve still grasped the magnitude of what I said so let me explain it a little further. An 88-year-old elder, in the body of Christ built a $190 million dollar Bible-themed resort, debt free! The resort took seven years to build and payoff which means he didn’t start the project until he was 81. A-Tee-1! Every time I think about the magnitude of what he did and how old he was when he did it, it just excites me! An 88-year-old general in the faith built a $190 million dollar resort. Not a church, but a ‘127-room luxury hotel, complete with a spa and resort-style pool, a training facility for ministry, a Vision Welcome Center, an interactive globe, a History Dome Theater, and fine restaurant dining, along with tourism attractions for the entire family.’2
When I think about the fact that he started this project when he was 81, it just gives me so much hope. Only because in less than four months, I’ll be turning the big 5-0! So, the fact that I’m still not married, haven’t made any sitcoms with Tyler Perry, and the fact that I haven’t started my real estate empire, only solidifies the fact that it’s not too late, and the same is true for you.
The thing about it is that we don’t know how long it took for Dr. Cerullo to believe God for that resort. I mean sure, it took seven years to complete but can you imagine how long it took to actually believe that a luxury hotel resort was even possible to build, and that God wanted him to build it debt-free? Considering the fact he’d been in ministry 71 years, we can only assume, much of that time was spent dreaming about what finally came to fruition…some decades later. I mean look at Abraham and Sarah.
Abraham and Sarah were in their mid-to-late seventies when God revealed they’d have a son and it took 25 years for it to happen. Not saying it took that long for God to bring it to pass but sometimes it takes that long to get that infertile, unproductive image out of our hearts and heads. So if there’s anything or anyone God has told you to believe for, keep believing! I don’t care if you’re 65, 85, or 105. Don’t you dare stop believing because just like Abraham, Sarah, and Dr. Cerullo, if you keep fighting the, ‘…good fight…finish [your] course [and] keep the faith...’ (2 Timothy 4:6, 7), it will come to pass…even if it is in your golden years.
Can I pray for you: Heavenly Father, there are $190 million dollar resorts, ideas, dreams, assignments, and visions that You’ve given my dear readers and I’m asking You to give them the ideas, insights, and instruction on how to bring them to pass. Those unseen plans, purposes, and pursuits that they’re still working on and believing You for, Lord I pray that You give them the physical, mental, and financial stamina and strength to bring them to light. Lord, I ask that You’d send financial support, give them access to funding, and bring people to encourage and partner with them. But Lord, there are those that don’t need money, they need good health, a good marriage, or a good job and so I ask that You’d give them direction and strength for it all. In Jesus’ name.
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