‘..So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.’ II Corinthians 9:7
As we learned in our last issue, grudgingly means ‘sadness, grievous, or sorrow’; all of which are emotions. Therefore, the Word of God is saying that you shouldn’t give based upon how you feel. But why?
Because one day you might not feel like giving to that homeless man because he smells like Bud Light. You might not feel like helping your sister with her car note this month because you flat out just don’t ‘feel like it.’ And your attitude might be on ill the day your Pastor announces the church is going to make a large donation to a local food bank.
Or what about when you’re at evening service and they take up a second offering - what are you feeling then? You’re probably grieved that the preacher would even dare ask for another offering. But because you don’t want to look bad, you slip a hot dollar bill into the plate. And you know what? You gave it with an attitude, out of guilt and you weren’t led by the Holy Spirit.
This is why the Word of God is so explicit about how to and how not to give. The Word isn’t saying that you shouldn’t give; but you have to watch WHY you give. Settle it in your heart that you’ll do what the Word says; regardless as to how you feel.
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, will You please forgive me when I gave because I was grieved or felt guilty? I ask You to continue to teach me how not to be led by what I feel and to give only when Your Holy Spirit leads me to. In Jesus’ name.