My question for the mothers, is ‘What exactly are you hoping for your sons?’ I ask this because many times, as mothers, we want what we want for our sons – regardless as to what our sons want for themselves. We think we know what’s best – even for our adult sons and as a result, we attempt to become the Holy Spirit’s personal assistant; trying to manipulate them into doing what we want. I know this first-hand because it was only after the Lord gave me those scriptures to stand on, (see Issue 1) that God began to chastise and show me that not only had my spiritual mistakes gotten in His way, but how what I wanted for my son’s life, had prohibited Him from giving my son what He wanted. As the months went by, the Spirit of the Lord let me know that I had to stop doing some things for my son and that it was time to let him be a man. But as a single parent, who’d made so many mistakes, the things I was doing I did out of guilt so I really struggled with letting him do for himself. After a while, I finally realized that my guilt had handicapped my son’s ability to think and do for himself. What the Lord was so graciously letting me know was that He’d forgiven me for getting in His way and was preparing to make my son the man He wanted – if only I’d get out the way. Mothers, maybe you, like me, have handicapped your son’s ability to think and do for themselves because of your mistakes. The Word of the Lord for you today is that you are forgiven. He knows you did the best with what you had, but its time to let our sons go. No, not kick them out; but it’s time that we get out of their way and quite honestly that feels a lot like letting go. I started this issue by asking you what are you hoping for your sons? What are anticipating with pleasure and are confident that God will do for them? My recommendation - keep it simple and just ask God to make them into the man that He created them to be – nothing more, nothing less. Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for getting in Your way and not teaching my son how to be a man because of my guilt. I am so grateful that You’ve forgiven me for my failures and as such Lord, I thank You for making my son into the man You created him to be. In Jesus’ name. So be it. Copyright © 2013 Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.
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