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The Color of Flesh

Writer's picture: Staci SweetStaci Sweet

Here lately, I had become a little bitter about the blatant racism taking place. In fact, it’s what fueled this blog. I wanted to create a space to help race relations but along the way, I see that I need a tune up too. That’s because here lately, I’ve been judging the situation – BY COLOR. Meaning, I assessed the story and then judged the actions BASED ON COLOR. And though blatant racism was a factor, and I was right about it being an ISSUE OF COLOR, as a child of God, that’s not what I’m supposed to do. And if you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, neither should you. Here’s why.

Known Ignorance

We’re supposed to look at the situation – BY THE SPIRIT. Meaning, were supposed to look beyond the COLOR BIAS, discern the SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE, and take authority accordingly. Unfortunately, for the last few months, I hadn’t been doing so. I’d just been looking at COLOR. Color, color, color. Which made me even more upset because the more I looked, I could tell that they knew. (Not all, but that’s a different post.) I discerned that it wasn’t a question of them needing racial bias training or the fact that some of them were oblivious to the disparities. They know! So, for me to think that I can shed some light byway of my blog on their KNOWN IGNORANCE, is foolish. What I can do is do as the Bible instructs and look at the situations from and by the Spirit; from a spiritual perspective which simply means, from a biblical point of view. So, what does that mean?

Color from a Higher Perspective

If you just look at race from a color perspective, you’ll stay stuck. Meaning, you’ll never move any further than being able to point out the blatant disparities, disregard, and disrespect for our culture. If we continue to address race from a color perspective, we’ll forever go around the mountain, another four hundred years. Why? Because skin is flesh. And if you’re a follower of Christ, then you know that as a Christian, we are told to not pay attention to or give in to flesh; including our own. Galatians 5:16, 17 says, ‘Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another.’ Contrary as they will forever be in opposition to one another. So, whether I’m looking at your flesh and thinking ‘you’re using your white privilege’ or you’re looking at mine thinking, ‘you’re just a n****!’, we both are in the flesh, which means were both not paying attention to the Holy Spirit that’s inside us. Because if we were, then we’d know that there’s more to this race war than flesh. We’d get in our Bibles and find out what the Word has to say about it. So until you do, why don’t you….

Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for paying too much attention to the color of someone’s skin. Please forgive me for making decisions and judging them based on the color of their flesh. I ask that You’d teach me how to walk in the Spirit. In Jesus’ name.


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