'that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than
gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor,
and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ' 1 Peter 1:7
Another way that the genuineness of your faith in God is proved is with temptation. James 1:13 says, ‘Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.’ God doesn’t tempt anyone; Satan does. God doesn’t call Satan and say, ‘Hey, how’s it goin’? Look, I need you to do something for Me. I need you to tempt Sis. Watermelon.’ No; with or without God’s permission he’s is going to tempt you. That foolishness of him doing what ‘God allows’ is just that – foolishness. (For more in depth teaching, click here.) Because think about it. If Satan only did what God allows, wouldn’t that make him obedient? So if he’s obedient, why is he God’s enemy? No, it’s his disobedience that led to his fall – so get that one outcha head! Satan tempts us because we have to prove the genuineness of our faith in God and His Word.
And that genuineness of your faith is much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tested by fire. And Satan brings that fire by way of temptation. James 1:14 says, ‘But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.’ But he doesn’t draw you away outrightly; he does it on the cool with things that don’t seem harmful. 'I mean it’s just Moscato®; the Bible does say Jesus turned water into wine. It’s just sex; we’re already engaged. It’s just weed; God did make the herbs of the earth. It’s just twerkin’; I mean even David danced.' It seems harmless, but tell me this. After you do it, how do you feel?
So how do you not give in to temptation? At the revelation of Jesus Christ. You can start by getting a Concordance, looking up the word you’re dealing with, reading those scriptures out loud and writing notes about what comes to your heart. Bottom-line is that you need revelation of Jesus for that temptation and it’ll only come from His Word; so that one day you can finally pass that fire test.
Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, I don’t know how to use a Concordance and I don’t know that I have ever heard from You. I know You wont speak to me audibly; but I’m asking for You to speak to my spirit; lead me in Your Word and reveal to me how to stop doing what I know I shouldn’t be. In Jesus’ name.
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