I was having a talk with my son this morning, and he was explaining how he'd finally gotten to the point where he could go out with his father. Whereas before, he felt he'd be dismissive and too disrespectful. His father is an old school, Cali type player that still speaks pimpinese. Not that he's not a good guy, because he is. He's considerate, a home body, and a great cook. He just wasn't good for me. Inasmuch, he was saying that he finally hears him as a man.

Mind you, my son just turned 30 in February. So instead of being Lil Money, he's Big Money now. And yes, my son's nickname is Money. Sorry, but I wasn't saved then. :) Anywho, I told him that over the last year, his money had done all the talking to which he didn't understand, so I explained.
You see, his father is on social security disability and has been for much of my son's adult life. That said, there were times when he had more month than money to which Money would wire what he needed. He'd even pay for his prescriptions and have groceries delivered to his home. I told him over time, his wallet was did the talking.
Now when he speaks, his father listens because his cash said things that his mouth couldn't.
After he heard that, he appreciated all the strides he's made over the years. As a convicted felon, he's stayed out of trouble, stopped smoking weed, paid off his debt, and now has a 700 credit score. Aside from the harsh realities Black men face in America, he did it in the face of racist employers who relentlessly set him up for failure and spit at the fact that he was always early, never absent, and worked three times as hard as his counterparts. Yet on more than one occasion he was told that he wasn't a team player. How could he be? He wasn't a player, he was the team. Aside from the fact that not only does he take care of his father, but has also been taking care of my bills; I'd say that when Black men are underappreciated and thought of as lazy, this Black man has excelled. So much so, that his money has spoken volumes to me...and here I write.
I said all that to say that sometimes we don't need to say anything. Yes, there are things that money CAN'T buy but Ecclesiastes 10:19 says that 'money is the answer to everything.' My son's money answered a lot of problems for both his father and me. It even gave place for a level of respect that probably wouldn't have come otherwise. Am I a gold digger? No! Those of you who read my blog know these legs have been closed for 17 LLLOOOONNNNNGGGG years. But unfortunately I do know that there are some things, qualities, and places...even in people's eyes and hearts, that only money can buy. Thank you Money Dude for all your support young man. You're doing an excellent job! Copyright 2020 © Real Issues Publishing®. All rights reserved.