I was watching an online service with Bro. Keith Moore, Pastor of Faith Life Church, when he taught out of Deuteronomy 30:19 which says, ‘…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.’ He said that it wasn’t up to God whether I prospered or struggled, the choice was mine. Why? Because God said choose. When I thought about that, I asked myself if it was my fault that my finances were dead, even though I served the Living God? The answer to my question was yes but why?
As I pondered, the answer became painstakingly clear. It was because I had more faith in the enemy’s ability to curse me, than I did in God’s ability to bless me. I had more faith in my inability (i.e. failures, lack of faith and knowledge of God’s Word) than in God’s ability to help me grow in the financial knowledge in His Word that I needed. I had more faith in the enemy’s ability to withstand, block, hinder, deny and control what happened to me than in God’s ability to resist, withstand, block, and protect me from it and the enemy while prospering me - at the same time. When I came to the realization that it was my fault, I immediately made the decision to CHOOSE LIFE; to believe in God, and to do whatever was necessary to receive the blessing. But why hadn't I before? Quite simply, disobedience. God told the children of Israel that they could either be blessed and listed the blessings in Deuteronomy 28, or they could not obey and receive the curse, and listed every failure, sickness, and terrible situation that would occur as a result. My outright disobedience and/or partial obedience had given place to the curse in my life.
Birdlike Curses
Proverbs 26:2 says, ‘Like a flitting sparrow, like a swallow, so the curse without cause shall not alight.’ Notice the scripture uses birds to reference what the curse is like. Birds fly. They circle and hover above. That’s exactly what the curse is like. It flies above and hovers over your life, looking for a place to land, or even worse, build a nest; a place filled with or frequented by undesirable people, spirits, situations, or things1. Therefore, if you’re experiencing failure, hardship, lack, sickness, and the like, it’s because somewhere along the way, you partially obeyed or totally disobeyed God.
The other thing about the curse is that sometimes you can see it coming. Much like a bird, you’re able to tell, sense, or discern that something or someone is flying overhead, headed your way or trying to come against you. It may even seem as if its already landed, but child of God, it hasn’t! There’s still time for you to resist and/or repent.
‘…submit to God. Resist the devil and he (and his curse) will flee from you.’ – James 4:7
Resist meaning submit the situation to God and do as He leads or repent because there was something you failed to do that got you in that situation or caused that person to hover over your life. But whatever you do - don’t just sit there and let it happen (land). Use your faith, in God, to repent.
'If [you] confess [your] sins, He is faithful and just to forgive [you your] sins and to cleanse [you] from all unrighteousness.’ – 1 John 1:9
Know that even though its circling, God will still forgive you and correct the situation. But next time child of God, just obey! Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for not doing what You were leading me to do. I did my own thing and now I can tell something or someone is trying to come against. Lord, I will do whatever you say, and I thank You for quickly working this situation out. Thank You that my life will work because I now chose life, and to serve You, the only true and Living God. In Jesus' name.
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